UNAIR NEWS – Ramadan is a momentum for everyone to do more good things. Semi-Autonomous Body (BSO) Imaji Airlangga (MAJA) Faculty of Humanities (FIB) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) at Al-Hasyimi Orphanage Surabaya held an event on Sunday, May 26.
The activity titled “Maja Language Day” is a new work program for BSJA MAJA management in 2019. Previously, similar activities have been scheduled for its management last year with a different set of events.
In the previous management, the activities carried out by BSO MAJA at the orphanage was puppet show. In “Maja Language Day” activity, there are also handicraft training and English language training for participants.
The activity was also partnered with ten international student volunteer studying at UNAIR. Not only international students from FIB, but international students from other faculties also joined the event.
The activity apparently had a special attraction for the volunteers, they were enjoying the event.

Watanabe Ruri, one of “Maja Language Day” from Japanese Study said the activity was very pleasant. He was really excited participating in the activity.
“Not only those who are international students. Some of them are even native speakers of Japanese Study of FIB UNAIR,” explained the chief executive, Devi Ilya Safitri.
“Hopefully with this activity, BSO Maja will be better known by the wider community” continued the student of Japanese Study.
In the future, the committee hopes that these activities will continue to be carried out and continue in the management of the following years. (*)
Author: Shofiyyatul Mahrushah Editor: Binti Quryatul Masruroh