Responding to sexual harassment and violence issues, UNAIR lecturer emphasizes guaranteed sanction and protection

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UNAIR NEWS –Still fresh in our memories are the incidents of sexual harassment that have happened in educational institutions lately. Some cases are often discontinued due to the lack of evidence and hampered by the campus bureaucracy. Some victims are also reluctant to report for fear of being pressured by the perpetrator.

It was confirmed by the Vice Dean III of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) Universitas Airlangga, a lecturer in the Department of Anthropology, Prof. Dra. Myrtati Dyah Artaria, M.A., Ph. D. She also encountered many similar cases in the community.

“The cases of sexual harassment and violence in the campus are true. But many did not report the case because they felt threatened and felt that they would not support him/her. If they report, they may feel even more humiliated while the perpetrators will not necessarily be given strict sanctions,” said the recipient of the Fullbright and AusAID scholarships.

It happens because sexual harassment and violence are still considered trivial or seen as a disgrace to someone. The closest people who should support them often turn to harass them. The perpetrator does not hesitate to take repressive measures to keep the victim silent.

“It is related to human rights. Victims have the right to report, have the right to feel safe, have the right to live happily, have the right to deter the perpetrator, not to be pressured by other people because of sexuality issues,” said Prof. Myrtha.

Inspired by these conditions, concerns arise from the author of the Dental Anthropology book. As a lecturer at a university, her heart is touched to do something for the victims, especially those who have experienced unpleasant cases at UNAIR. Namely, by initiating a unit that can help students if they have light or complex problems.

“Starting from volunteering activities as sharing buddy in the academic community at FISIP in the 2000s. The goal is to maintain their confidentiality. Later in 2014, because other faculties also needed this kind of unit, it was extended to the university level. Finally, the Help Center was inaugurated,” she said.

The Help Center unit is under the Directorate of Student Affairs. It assists UNAIR students in facing various difficulties, as listeners or assistants, if necessary, to help refer them to other more competent institutions. Students can also choose who they want to consult with.

“Unfortunately, not many people know (The Help Center). Therefore, in the future, we hope to be able to involve the student executive body (BEM) and hold regular activities to raise awareness, especially regarding sexual harassment,” she said.

Root of sexual harassment and violence

Help Center. (Infographic: Ema Fadhila Putri)
Help Center. (Infographic: Ema Fadhila Putri)

Problems related to sexual harassment and violence do not only occur in the campus area and the Indonesian community. However, it has become a global issue because it has happened in several well-known universities and other countries.

“Sexual violence is already considered as sexual harassment. But harassment is often considered lawless because it is often carried out in a place where there are no witnesses, nor does it leave evidence. For example, catcalling. Take a look in the newspaper, how many cases were there?” she asked.

One of the factors behind the occurrence of sexual harassment and violence is hormonal factors. A man has both testosterone and strength, so he tends to be aggressive and dominant. In contrast to women who have low testosterone levels, but excel in terms of endurance. The difference in hormones makes their brains different as well. Both must be given an understanding not to hurt each other but complement each other.

“Male aggressiveness must be channeled in a positive way. Not by venting violence on a partner or other people. Because men are superior in strength they can enforce their strength on women. As a result, women are often being the victims of harassment,” said the best graduate of FISIP UNAIR.

As a researcher who has studied primatology, Prof. Myrtha also added about the instincts of non-human primates. This type of creature, if it finds a female primate it has a crush on, it will snatch it from another male. Then the new male tries to kill the male’s (former female partner) offspring. So that the new male can be with the female.

“It is the same when we encounter cases of sexual harassment or violence in a family. If the stepfather cannot control his biological instincts and desires, he is likely to be sexually attracted to the stepdaughter. That is, some adoptive parents are sexually attracted to their adopted child. Humans have thoughts and morality that should be controlled,” she said.

Cases involving power relations between lecturers and students can also occur. If it is associated with sexual harassment, it could be related to the provision of values. Or, by utilizing the charisma of the lecturer who has broader knowledge than students. Students will be attracted and then used by their lecturers.

“If students realize their rights, things like these can be prevented. The cases and problems faced by students are very diverse. Therefore, it is necessary to socialize more through BEM and volunteer students, that the Help Center is at UNAIR to help and assist students who have problems,” she explained.

Prof. Myrtha hoped that in the future there will be more awareness on these issues. She also advised the students to be brave in responding and reporting the immoral acts they received. If necessary, ask for help to the relevant institutions. Because, the impact of sexual harassment and violence is not trivial.

“We have a Help Center and we have a code of conduct. Sanctions and protection for victims of sexual harassment have been promised,” she concluded. (*)

Author: Nabila Amelia

Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i

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