UNAIR NEWS – As time goes on, social media has become a necessity that cannot be separated from humans. Social media is generally used to communicate with others and to convey ideas. Furthermore, in line with technological development, social media can also be used as content marketing.
East Java IDN Times (East Java) in collaboration with the Communication Department of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) held a seminar. The activity was a campus roadshow held by IDN Times. The theme of the seminar was Social Media as Content Marketing.
Social Media as Content Marketing seminar was held at Adi Sukadana Room, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) UNAIR on Wednesday, May 22, 2019.
The seminar talked about how social media is used as content in the marketing field. The seminar was attended by dozens of UNAIR communication science students from class 2016 to 2017. It was opened by the Head of UNAIR Communication Department Dr. Yayan Sakti Suryandaru, S.Sos., M.Si.
One of the speakers was Ade Husni. He is a Social Media Associate from JATIM IDN Times. The man graduated from English literature at Udayana University explained why social media must be used for marketing content.
“There are very many social media users; therefore, it can be used for marketing purposes,” he added.
Ade also presented how to use social media as content marketing. According to him, there are four steps to use social media as content marketing. The first step is to determine the purpose of using social media. There should be one goal so that it is focused well.
“The goal can be brand awareness, business, and personal branding,” he pointed out.
Then proceed with setting the personality profile to apply. According to the speaker, there are questions determining personality on social media, from what the characteristics of the audience, the character of social media, to the impression we want to share to the audience.
The third step is to determine content strategies on social media. According to Ade, successful social media use in content marketing is determined by three things, quality of content, the timing of posts, to the frequency of posts. The final step is to be consistent in running social media. (*)
Author: Ardimawan Fikri WIbianto
Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i