Introducing Karawitan to International Student

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The enthusiasm of international students in learning karawitan with local students in FIB UNAIR gamelan room. (Photo: Courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – As one of the cultural mover at Faculty of Humanities (FIB) Universitas Airlangga, Karawitan Sastra Jendra Association (Pakarsajen) introduced musical culture to local students but also to internation students.

Mangayubagya Karawitan (MAKAR) became one of the work programs to introduce karawitan for international students. Different with treason (makar), which is often used as a term to overthrow the government, MAKAR used by Pakarsajen means welcoming guests.

Fourteen international students and a lecturer from Miami Colleges USA visited Pakarsajen gamelan room to learn the instrument on Tuesday, May 21.

Karawitan art seems to have a special attraction for international students. They played karawitan with local students from the most basic song, Lancaran Serayu.

Furthermore, Head of Pakarsajen Galih Rachmasiwi Adji revealed that the activity became a form of action to increase love for musical culture and an effort to preserve and introduce karawitan to international students. “Not only for international students but also for artist and historian” added Galih.

The enthusiasm of international students in learning karawitan with local student at FIB UNAIR gamelan room. (Photo: Courtesy)

Every year, there are two to three times international students who learn karawitan.

In the future, hopefully karawitan can be more widely known in the public. Not only domestically but also overseas. In accordance with Pakarsajen’s slogan ‘Nguri-nguri ing budaya, gawe mulyaning negara’ which means preserving culture and the country will prosper. (*)

Author: Shofiyyatul Mahrushah

Editor: Binti Quryatul Masruroh

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