SKI FIB Reviews ‘Hijrah Milenials’ Book

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"Hijrah Milenials" book review by alumni of History, Teguh Imami, S.Hum.
"Hijrah Milenials" book review by alumni of History, Teguh Imami, S.Hum. (Photo: Shofy)

UNAIR NEWS – The rise of hijrah movement among young people today became a phenomenon in the Islamic world in Indonesia. In response, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) Faculty of Humanities (FIB) Center review “Millennial’s Hijrah” book written by an alumnus of UNAIR from FIB History program, Teguh Imami, S.Hum.

It was a part of Ramadan in Faculty (RDF) UNAIR FIB and held in the student center FIB UNAIR on Wednesday, May 15, 2019.

As a journalist in, Teguh often goes to the field and find various hijrah movements. He mentioned, there are four phenomena of this current movement which inspired him to write a book.

First, the hijrah of celebrities. Second, the hijrah of young people or the millennial generation. Third, the birth of various hijrah communities. And finally, more activities promoting hijrah.

In big cities such as Surabaya, Yogyakarta, and Jakarta, the phenomenon of hijrah among young people is growing rapidly. It can be seen from hijrah nuanced event tickets which often sold out.

“Actually, the phenomenon of hijrah like this did not appear in the last two or three years, but since 1971, when New Order united Islamic political parties and restricted the political activities of Islam,” Teguh said.

“It has become a special value for the people. Even though it is depressed, the position of the Islamic community is getting stronger in the grassroots order, “continued the former Secretary General of UNAIR Islamic Spirituality Student Activity Unit (UKMKI).

A token of appreciation given by Chairman of SKI FIB to the author of “Hijrah Milenials” Teguh Imami (right). (Photo: Shofy)

In Islam development in Indonesia, Teguh said that the phenomenon of millennial’s hijrah is divided into three phases. First, segmented religious awakening. Second, religious revival in the public domain. And third, the rise of religion in ​​pop culture and mass populism.

“I actually wrote this book to start it. In the future, Islam will surely develop even though today it is being bullied, it’s only a matter of time, “he said.

“In a few years Islam will surely come to its glory, especially with extraordinary millennial cadres like this, “he stated. (*)

Author: Shofiyyatul Mahrushah

Editor: Binti Quryatul Masruroh


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