May 20, 2019


BREGMA 2019 Invites 300 Orphans for Iftar

Iftar with 2019 Young Orphans (BREGMA) in Graha Auditorium – BIK IPTEKDOK Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga (FK UNAIR) on Saturday, May 18. The event was organized by Department of Syias Assalam, an Islamic organization in FK UNAIR.


BEM FISIP and Airlangga Bonek Discuss Soccer Community Culture

Student Executive Body (BEM) Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP)  held a discussion about reflection on community culture, especially in the field of soccer. In collaboration with Airlangga Bonek (AIRBONE) and Bawah Skor Mandala, a discussion was born with the theme “Constructing Identity and Culture in Supporting Soccer Clubs”.


Yanuar Optimistic to Make FORMARA a Quality Regional Organization

Madura Student Forum (FORMARA) Universitas Airlangga formed new management for 2019/2020 period. In the management, Ramdan Yanuaris Salam was elected as Head of FORMARA accompanied by Arif Febrian Anwar and Siti Sufina as Vice of FORMARA. Yanuar is optimistic that he will make FORMARA a quality and quality regional organization.


K3 Students Win in SASECOM 2019 National Competition at Undip

Another national achievement has been made by Universitas Airlangga. Three students of Occupational Safety and Health (K3) D3 Program of Faculty of Vocational Studies UNAIR won third place in Smart Safety Competition (SASECOM) 2019. They were Primedya Kusumawati from class 2017; Vira Rohmatul Aliyah from class 2017; and Addien Kusuma Wardani from class 2018.

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