UNAIR NEWS – There are various ways done by Muslims to celebrate the holy month of Ramadhan 1440 AH which falls in May 2019. One of them is competing in doing good deeds. The same thing was done by Social Affairs (Sosmas) Department of Off Main Campus Program (KM) Off Main Campus Program (PSDKU) UNAIR in Banyuwangi. Although it is a work program outside of the annual program, Sosmas Department with support from other departments has successfully held Harmonious Ramadhan.
The program was attended by all the administrators of KM PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi. Furthermore, the name taken for the activity was in line with the name of the cabinet led by Bondan Sigit Purnomo Aji, Harmonious Cabinet. Ahmad Rido’i Yuda Prayogi as Head of Social Affairs Department explained that Harmonious Ramadhan activity was a part of department work program called UNAIR Sharing.
The student from class 2017 Faculty of Public Health (FKM) explained that the activity name was in line with the hope of KM PSDKU, to show kinship and teamwork in sharing socially.
“After Harmonious Ramadhan, a work program will be held in collaboration with KM Department of Social Affairs and Islamic Spiritual Community (KKI) PSDKU called Ramadhan Ceria,” said Yuda.
The Harmonious Ramadhan activities started with the preparation of takjil, the distribution of free takjil in Giri Campus area, iftar gathering with all the administrators of KM PSDKU, followed by tarawih and tadarus together with KKI members at Giri Campus Mosque. The purpose of this Harmonious Ramadhan series is to strengthen ties between members of KM PSDKU sharing activities.
“Although it is small, but if we are sincere, God willing, blessings can be earned. And I hope that Social Affairs Department can make this program a regular program for the next period, “he concluded. (*)
Author: Tsania Ysnaini Mawardi
Editor: Nuri Hermawan