Improving Student Competence Through English Club

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Romiana, A.Md presents student exchange information at English Club at Faculty of Medicine (FK) IKM Building, May 4, 2019.
Romiana, A.Md presents student exchange information at English Club at Faculty of Medicine (FK) IKM Building, May 4, 2019. (Photo: Faisal Dika)

UNAIR NEWS – Student Association (Hima) of Medical Laboratory Technology (TLM) Faculty of Vocational Studies Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) improves student competence through an English language program. The program is English Club. The program was attended by TLM students at Faculty of Medicine (FK) IKM Building, May 4-5, 2019. It was held to face the challenges of education world, especially the medical world.

The program held for two days was themed student exchange. The speaker was Romiana, A.Md who had experience as a student exchange abroad.

Silvia Mega, one of the English Club participants said that the event really motivated the students.

“The English Club program that was implemented has high quality and it motivated me to participate in the student exchange program,” Silvia said.

The next day, English Club program discussed tips and tricks on getting high TOEFL and ELPT scores, presenting Lutfi Ashar Mauludin, S.Pd., MA., M.Pd as the speaker.

Vidia Yuniar responded to the importance of the material as TOEFL and ELPT are one of the graduation requirements in UNAIR.

“The material provided was very helpful to deal with the types of questions, with a fun speaker, so it was carried out in an interesting way,” Vidia said.

Putri Adelia as the chief executive revealed that the English Club program was intended to improve student competence in facing technological developments. So, hopefully, UNAIR can produce excellent graduates.

“The activity aims to motivate and bring enthusiasm to students to learn English to get produce excellent students skilled in English, active and passive,” said Putri.

Putri also expected this kind of activity can be carried out regularly every year. She also expressed her gratitude for the committee’s work in making English Club a success.

“I hope that this kind of activity can be carried out regularly every year because it is very useful for students. I want to thank for the committee collaboration in making this English Club a success, ” she added. (*)

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