UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga Bidikmisi Organization (AUBMO) PSDKU in Banyuwangi during ramadan held a social event again. The activity titled “Ngaos Sareng Lare Bidikmisi” with the theme of “Moral and Virtue” in Ramadhan 1440 H.
The activity started at 3:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. from 6 May 2019 and will last for the next three weeks during Ramadan month. In addition, Ngaos Sareng Lare Bidik Misi activities involved the committee and volunteers of Bidikmisi scholarship recipients and other student.
Interviewed by UNAIR NEWS last week, Dwi Kurniawati a student of Faculty of Fisheries and Marine and Head of the event said the activity was one of AUBMO PSDKU UNAIR Community Service Center in Banyuwangi work program.
“Thank God, the activity can be held again and hopefully it will run smoothly until the closing ceremony,” he said.
In this activity, he explained, students were very enthusiastic in participating in the activity. The theme was motivated by morality among children starting to fade nowadays.
“Moreover, we want to instill good behavior in everyday life” Dwi said.
Besides, the activity was held because of the lack of human resources in there. Considering, the number students in TPQ are big. As a result, the learning process still not maximized.
“We hope this activity can be a good example for other students and also hopefully it can continue until the next management period,” he concluded. (*)
Author: Muhammad Suryadiningrat
Editor: Nuri Hermawan