UNAIR NEWS – The Student Activity Unit (UKM) of Indonesian Red Cross Volunteer Corps (KSR PMI) Universitas Airlangga successfully won in two categories of UNY National Competition of Volunteer Skills (UNICOVS) 2019 competition. The competition was held at State University Yogyakarta on Friday-Sunday, May 3-5, 2019.
At the championship, UKM KSR PMI was represented by five members. There were Banatul Lariza, Faculty of Public Health (FKM) and Siti Nasikatus from Faculty of Pharmacy (FF). Both of them are members for the first aid category.
While for the shelter category, represented by Danar Arifka from Faculty of Science and Technology (FST), Andi Warda from Faculty of Nursing (FKp), and Lutfiatur Rohma as an official. They won second place in the first aid category and first place for favorite video journalism.
Warda, one of the participants, revealed that the preparation to take part in UNICOVS competition was very long. There were various stages of internal selection in the KSR PMI UNAIR, until a team was selected for the competition.
“The preparation is about a month before the competition. First there was an internal selection that aims to find representatives for each race category. Then a week before the event, intensive training was held, “Warda said.
One of the representatives in the first aid category shared her experience during the competition. She also shared stories on how to reduce stage fever during competition.
“There is always nervousness. However, by recalling preparation we made, we were more optimistic, we pray and let it be. It can reduce nervousness that exists, “Warda said.
Warda then shared her experience during the competition and on becoming a member of KSR PMI.
” I’m happy and it is invaluable experience to gain good reputation for alma mater. Furthermore, being able to meet KSR PMI colleagues from other universities can expand our networks, ” she added. (*)
Author: Faisal Dika Utama
Editor: Binti Q Masruroh