UNAIR NEWS – Islamic Economics Students (Ekis) at Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) made a snack product with organic ingredients. The products are made from banana blossoms named Cripis.
The product made by seven Ekis students is the result of entrepreneurship courses. Seven students were Mudina, Ayu Dwi Rukmana, Farda Dzakiyah, Nanda Sisan Bravionita, Andi Muhammad Hasan Estentiono, Nur Lailatul Fitriyah, and Andita Oktaviana Fatmawati.
The choice of banana blossoms as a the main ingredient is inseparable from student intention to make a healthy snacks. The main ingredient which is still rarely processed as a snack is also one of the motivation to sell more of this product.
Mudina as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Cripis revealed the products has several benefits. Such as high fiber levels that is good for digestion. In addition, saponin content in the banana blossoms is also beneficial in reducing cholesterol and preventing cancer.
“There are several benefits of banana blossom. It can also maintain our health.” Mudina said.
In addition, she bought banana blossom in Lamongan region and got the main ingredients two to three times each month.
Cripis banana blossoms products are divided into two products. The first product is banana blossom chips and the second is banana blossoms floss (abon jantung pisang).
Furthermore, there are several different variants. Seven variants include original, balado, barbecue, cheese, grilled chicken, roasted corn, and mercon. The mercon variant is the best seller product.
“For the price, each of cripis chips and cripis floss is ten thousand rupiah.” Mudina said.
The product succeeded attracting students interest, even so they can make new design for the product. Mudina hoped that banana blossom products can give a good impact to community, especially for healthy food. (*)
Author: Aditya Novrian
Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh