UNAIR NEWS – Health issues for children in Indonesia have recently become the world spotlight. Based on the data set by WHO, the problem of stunting in Indonesia is still above the maximum number of 20%. Based on Riskesdas (2018), stunting rate in Indonesia is 30.8% and still far from the expected target. Many factors causes this to happen, which is the lack of mother knowledge about nutrition management during critical period of baby (0-2 years).
Parenting style also influences child development. In response to the problem, five students of Faculty of Nursing (FKp) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) consists Meirina Nur Asih, Halfie Zaqiyah Gusti Puspitasari, Tya Wahyun Kurniawati, Miftahul Desiyan Syaifun Muhsin, and Ika Zulkafika Mahmudah joined Student Creativity-Community Service Program team (PKM-M). They designed a program called SRIKANDI SIAGA (Serikat Pendidikan Ibu Sadar Gizi Keluarga) with the community in Proppo Village, Proppo Subdistrict, Pamekasan Regency, Madura on Sunday, March 5.
The activity is culture-based simulation and targeting productive women, pregnant women, and nursing mothers. It was intended as an effort to prevent stunting early by influencing cognitive, affective, and psychomotor of prospective mothers. The implementation of the program is expected to help two government health programs, namely First 1000 Days of Life Movement and Posyandu.
Meirina and the team visited assisted mother, entitled “Lakon Èbhu”. It was aimed at monitoring and evaluating the activities that had been carried out previously as well as awardd for Srikandi Siaga. The activity was even more special because Dr. Kusnanto, S.KP. M.Kes, as supervisor of Faculty of Nursing (FKp) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) came to the event.
“I’m glad everyone are very active, it means they want to learn more about stunting. Hopefully it will bring a good impact to the community.”said Dr. Kusnanto.
“Thank you UNAIR for coming to our village. Thank God, there is a lot of knowledge that we can get from this joint discussion. God willing, we can apply it in the future.”Added Ati, one of the members of Srikandi Siaga. (*)
Author: Achmad Ubaidillah Mughni
Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia