UNAIR NEWS – Veterinary Student Association (HMKH) Off Main Campus Program (PSDKU) Universitas Airlalngga (UNAIR) Banyuwangi held a Veterinary Group Discussion (VGD) at the A101 lecture hall, last week.
As Head of VGD, Arny 2016 FKH students said the discussion held for all FKH students in PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi with the theme of “The Potential of Veterinarian Graduates”. In the discussion, the committee invited Bodhi Agustono, drh., M.Si., FKH lecturer and Head of HMKH.
At the beginning of the presentation, the lecturer who was familiarly called Bodhi explained this profession is one of rare profession in Indonesia. However, the profession is very promising but public still not familiar with it.
“Every year, there will be fresh graduate of FKH students that are ready to contribute and devote themselves to society, especially in the field of veterinary public health,” he explained.
As a large country and has rich biological potential, he explained, until now Indonesia still lacks veterinarian. The tendency of young veterinarians to work in urban areas is still very high.
“In fact, in various parts of the country in Indonesia still desperately in need of veterinary services,” he said. Furthermore, Bodhi also emphasized that for veterinarian who want to work in either government agencies, private sector, there are several options that can be selected. Among them as practitioners of pets such as dogs, cats, rabbits and so on.
“This can be done by utilizing the house and during leisure time,” he added.
Not only that, at the end of the discussion session, Bodhi advised all participants to seek as much knowledge and experience as possible. Don’t forget to keep in touch. Thus, they can help each other in the future. (*)
Author: Muhammad Suryadiningrat
Editor: Nuri Hermawan