UNAIR NEWS – Deputy Attorney General for Supervision (Jamwas) of Indonesian Attorney General’s Office, M. Yusni, SH., MH., was elected as chairman of Faculty of Law Alumni Association Universitas Airlangga (IFKHUA). He was inaugurated with 130 new board members of IFKHUA in 2019–2023 on Sunday, April 28, 2019 on the 3rd floor, Faculty of Law (FH), UNAIR.
In the inauguration event, there were also presentations from UNAIR Faculty of Law administrators and alumni, who are also prominent figures in East Java and Indonesia. Some of them are Dr. Soekarwo, SH, M. Hum., the former governor of East Java; and Dr. H. Sunarto, SH, MH, the Deputy Chairman of Indonesian Supreme Court for Non-Judicial Sector.
On that occasion, the former attorney general of Aceh and North Sumatra hoped that the alumni would continue to strive for the best of FH UNAIR. He also said that the administrators would conduct a pre-agenda work meeting to discuss the vision and mission to be carried out during the management period.
“Hopefully the new management will later, try or try again to perform as alumni, even though each has outside activities, in each institution that can improve Faculty of Law of UNAIR, “he said.
Yusni said that in the meeting later, in addition to discussing the mission to be carried out, the main tasks and functions of each division will be discussed.
“Later the divisions will provide feedback to us, what we will do is the main task and functions to be discussed,” he explained.
The elected vice chairman of IFKHUA was Syaiful Ma’arif SH., MH. Syaiful appointed as vice chairman for Organization and Membership.
Organization and Membership division is needed to accommodate the needs and establish a synergy. There is a number of administrators for each class, even the youngest one, 2014 class.
Meanwhile, Nurul Barizah, SH., LL., M, Ph.D, as Dean of FH UNAIR in her speech also explained that alumni are one of the most important elements needed for UNAIR’s progress, especially FH UNAIR.
“Alumni are not interactions of the past, but they are very important, vital and needed, ” she explained. (*)
Author: M. Najib Rahman
Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i