UNAIR NEWS – Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) Bidikmisi Organization of Universitas Airlangga (AUBMO) PSDKU Banyuwangi held latest work program, AUBMO Instagram Live Sharing. The activity utilizes existing technological advancements and uses social media which is widely disseminated.
The activities that contained motivations were filled directly by Arina Manasika, a student of Faculty of Economics and Business, majoring in Accounting batch 2015. At the beginning of the material presentation, the student who was familiarly called Arina conveyed her journey.
“I’m a vocational school graduate of accounting department. During my time in vocational school, I was invited by teachers to take part in various accounting competitions, starting from district to national level. That is one of my motivation besides wanting to make my parents proud. In addition, this is all purely my passion, “Arina said.
Entering university, as a bidikmisi recipient student, Arina used her scholarship money as well as possible. During her time in university, she followed several organizations to support soft skills, including LDK (Campus Da’wah Institute), ICAEW SC (Student Community Institute Chartered Accountant In England and Wales) outside campus organizations. Furthermore, she shared her experience in attending a Conference in Singapore, this activity is an annual event from YSO (Youth Overseas Study).
“I can get a lot of experience during the event. We attended seminars, FGDs, visited several companies in Singapore and learned to make a start-up business.” she explained.
In the end of the event, she advised all participants to do something and bring a good impact to others. (*)
Author: Muhammad Suryadiningrat
Editor: Nuri Hermawan