Learning KTI since High School Bring Alvin to Represent Indonesia at International Event

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UNAIR NEWS – Everyone wants to study at the best university and be outstanding student. Alvin Robiantoro Priadi, Faculty of Vocational Studies (FV) UNAIR student succeeded in realizing his dream of representing UNAIR and Indonesia at International Scientific Writing Competition (LKTI), precisely in Malaysia.

His seriousness in pursuing Scientific Writing (KTI) since high school had been paid off. Alvin’s achievements succeeded in joining international level LKTI was started from a dream.

“I have a resolution, at least take part in an international scale LKTI event. Thank God, tomorrow on May 1 to 7, I will be in Kuala Lumpur and bring good name of the nation and the alma mater in LKTI field, “he explained during an interview on Wednesday, May 5.

Previously on 2018, he won as first place winner in Indonesian Vocational Olympiad (Olivia) in KTI field. Furthermore, Alvin also won second place winner as outstanding student in Faculty VocationaL Studies UNAIR.

Alvin is indeed known as a student who has a several achievements, even some of his works have been recorded. One of his works was NANO KINONE, a book on innovation in nano particles for breast cancer.

Besides being outstanding in academics, the student who was born in Banyuwangi active in several university organization. Among them were Student Activity Unit (UKM) Tahfidzul Qur’an, Mosque Students, Serambi Hijrah Da’wah Organization and Student Association (Hima) D3 Medical Laboratory Technology.

In addition, Alvin joined Tosca Ribbon community (Thyroid Cancer Observer) and also worked as a Physics teacher at a tutoring institution.

“Back then, I dont have anything but now I can buy my own motorcycle from teaching” he said.

Even so, D3 Medical Laboratory Technology student was a Bidikmisi recipient during his study at UNAIR.

Being fisherman son is not an excuse for Alvin not to continue his study in university and work. He did not feel embarrassed just because he received a Bidikmisi scholarship.

Becoming a Bidikmisi recipient student is actually motivates Alvin during his study in university. Moreover, he want to contribute for the nation.

“Being bidikmisi student, indirectly I always remember pedicab drivers, building coolies, and stone breakers because that is where bidikmisi is obtained from their taxes.” he said. (*)


Author: Erika Eight Novanty

Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i

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