UNAIR Bidikmisi Students Makes Achievement at International Event

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SHOLIKUDIN ALAWY as UNAIR delegate at Short Term Programme and Speaker in UNAIR-UM Islamic Economic Seminar at University of Malaya, Malaysia. (Photo: Courtesy

UNAIR NEWS – Being a Bidikmisi student is a dream for any financially disadvantaged student who has great potential to be an outstanding student. Sholikudin Alawy, a student from Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) batch 2017. He expressed his gratitude to Islamic Economics Study Program for accepting him with Bidikmisi scholarship.

Interviewed by UNAIR NEWS on Tuesday March 30, the student who was familiarly called Alawy expressed his struggle during his time in university. He had to go from boarding to campus, which almost one kilometer away. He did it almost two years ago.

As a Bidikmisi student, Alawy was aware the scholarships that he obtained must be used as well as possible to support his achievements. In total, there were ten achievements.

In addition, Alawy won 3rd place in Intelligent Quiz International Islamic Economic Olympiad  University Darussalam Gontor and one of UNAIR delegates at Short Term Programme and Speaker in UNAIR-UM Islamic Economic Seminar at the Academy of Islamic Studies (APIUM) University of Malaya, Malaysia.

Alawy revealed that his biggest motivation was his parents. During high school graduation, his parents advised him to continue his education.

“Son, you have to go to college. I will do anything to make that happen.” he recalled the message from his parents.

Furthermore, the student who was born in Bojonegoro said UNAIR was very important in developing the achievements that he had obtained. In fact, UNAIR is one of the best universities in Indonesia.

In addition, Alawy joined Faculty Student Activity Unit (UKMF) Association of Islamic Economics and Studies (AcSES) FEB UNAIR. AcSES is very supportive of its achievements in the field of authorship and Islamic economics olympiad.

“From the AcSES, I learned a lot of things.” he said.

According to Alawy, everyone has their own interests, talents, and paths. The task of students are learning, practicing ans trying. After that, leave everything to God.

“Indeed, we often fail, but failure is what makes us stronger.” he added. (*)


Author: Sandi Prabowo

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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