Ika Zulkafika, Bidikmisi Student Won Several Achievements

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Ika Zulkafika with her gold medal at 30th PIMNAS. (Photo: Bambang Bes)

UNAIR NEWS – Being a nurse is not easy, nursing students must be prepared in learning medical material. As a prospective nurse, she must be ready in preparing her time for night shift and managing nurse report. All of that was done by Ika Zulkafika in order to be a professional nurse.

The students who was accepted through National University Entrance Entrance (SNMPTN) become student in Faculty of Nursing (FKp) Universitas Airlangga and obtained 2015 Bidikmisi scholarship. Being met by UNAIR NEWS on Monday, April 29 she shared her doubts about continuing her studies at UNAIR.

“In my high school, there were only 3 or 4 student accepted in UNAIR, especially for SNMPTN.” she said.

While receiving a Bidikmisi scholarship, Ika Zulkafika should be clever in managing her living expenses with her scholarship, Rp 600.000 per month and she have to divide 450 thousand per month. In addition, there were also additional expenses for books and other stuff.

“I have to join several competition in order to pay all of my living expenses and thank God, I can save money for there.” she explained.

In addition, Ika Zulkafika participated in International PPI Symposium for Middle East Region, Medina, 2017.

“I want to go abroad, especially if I could get free Umrah during my college year. Suddenly, there was an info about symposium in Madinah from Vice Dean. Thank God, I can pay all of the fee after I arrived in Indonesia” he said.

Ika Zulkafika with her gold medal at 30th PIMNAS. (Photo: Bambang Bes)

During 30th National Student Scientific Week (PIMNAS), at Universitas Muslim Indonesia (UMI) Makassar, Ika Zulkafika and the team managed to bring gold medal for UNAIR.

The achievements of Ika Zulkafika during her studies at UNAIR included 1st Winner of Airlangga National Essay Chemistry on Weeken, 3rd Winner of LKTI SAFE SIP National Competition, Politeknik Negeri Jember, 2nd Place Winner of NURSE FIK National LKTI Universitas Indonesia, Top 5 in LKTIN INNOVATION Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar and several other achievements.

In addition being active in scientific writing competition, Ika Zulkafika also active in several organization namely BEM Faculty of Nursing UNAIR, KMNU UNAIR, UKM Penalaran UNAIR, and volunteer in Rumah Baca Asma Nadia Gresik.

Don’t be afraid to work, failure is a natural thing because failure is the first step in success and dont forget to measure our capability. Especially for Bidikmisi Students, students have to uplift university name. (*)

Author: Achmad Ubaidillah Mughni

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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