UNAIR NEWS – National Education Day (Hardiknas) was commemorated by the academics of Universitas Airlangga in front of Management Office Campus C on Thursday, May 2, 2019. In the commemoration of 2019 National Education Day flag ceremony, UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih, SE., MT., Ak., CMA., led the ceremony and it was attended by lecturers, staffs, and students.
The 2019 National Education Day commemoration was themed ” Strengthening Education, Advancing Culture by Realizing Competitive and Innovative Human Resources with Great Character”. In his speech, Prof. Nasih emphasized the responsibility and obligation of all components of nation in advancing education in Indonesia.
“All components of Indonesian nation cannot be separated from the responsibility and obligation for better education. All have shared responsibilities in their respective spheres,” he said.
In the closest scope, Prof. Nasih gave example from campus synergy in supporting the advancement of national education. All components on campus, especially UNAIR, all have similar responsibilities.
“This (educational progress, ed) is our shared responsibility. There is no exception, ” he said.
“Rector has duties and responsibilities. Deans and their ranks in faculty have duties and responsibilities. Staffs, lecturers, including students, also all have duties and responsibilities, “he added.
They work together according to their capabilities, especially to create an advanced education and create a competitive, innovative generation with character and ethics in accordance with religious norms.
Prof. Nasih acknowledged that related to education, Indonesia still has a lot to work on. If you look at the data, for example, he continued, Indonesia’s Human Growth Index (HDI) still needs more improvements.
Although, based on BPS (Central Bureau of Statistics) data, there has been a growth of HDI by 0.58 points compared to points in 2017. In 2018, Indonesia’s HDI points reached 71.39 points.
“The university, as one of the important components in realizing the progress of education, requires synergy between its components,” he said.
In this regard, UNAIR as the closest scope, said Prof. Nasih, has the responsibility and obligation to provide the best education for the people of East Java. Therefore, between lecturers, researchers, and staffs, including all students need to cooperate well,.
“They (students, ed) must really be responsible for being students. As young generations who will become leaders of the nation, ” he said.
“By learning and honing oneself, to be a person who is not only academically clever, but also good at acting and upholding personality values of Indonesia,” he added.

Prof. Nasih continued and reminded the academics to UNAIR’s motto, Excellence with Morality. The fulfillment of the best education is again greatly influenced by our hard work together in the scope of their respective fields.
“We have to work hard together. All have commitment and responsibility to build education, through UNAIR as a leading and pioneer of knowledge and technology based on religious knowledge,” he said.
“Therefore, let’s work together improving our capacity and quality together. Happy National Education Day, “he added. (*)
Author: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i