UNAIR NEWS – Anggriani Balasoma, student of Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Airlangga provides reproductive health material at SMAN 1 Masalembu, Sumenep Regency. The activity was carried out on Saturday, February 13.
In her presentation, Anggi stated that material on reproductive health is needed to prevent pre-marital sex for teenagers. According to her, teenager is very vulnerable with this topic.
“Because it is related to reproductive system of teenager. Thus, it is necessary so that teenager can prevent illicit marital relations, “said the student from Gorontalo city.
“Teenager is also transition period from childhood to adulthood which was relatively unstable because it hasn’t reached the stage of mental and social maturity.” she added.
In front of 230 students, she explained basic knowledge about reproductive health. Anggi divides it into three things, namely, first, the introduction of reproductive process.
Second, the risk of disease. By knowing the risks that might occur, teenager will carefuly maintaining reproductive health. Moreover, they will think repeatedly about the risks of sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis and HIV.
Third, avoid sexual violence. They need to be introduced with their reproductive rights. In addition, knowledge about sexual violence that may occur is needed such as the types and the preventation.
With this information, Anggi hopes SMAN 1 Masalembu students have responsible attitudes and behaviors after being given reproductive health material.
Author: Fariz Ilham Rosyidi
Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i