UNAIR NEWS – Aesculap Environmental Review Group Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga (KPLA FK UNAIR) held a social service on 26 – 28 April. Gelar Bakti Aesculap (GBA) was held at Karangan Kidul Village Hall, Benjeng District, Gresik Regency.
Fatih Nugraha Abdillah, Head of the organizers revealed the reason in choosing Karangan Kidul village because the high enthusiasm of villagers in welcoming social service activities. ” there has never been a similar activity In this village” he added.
Lasted for 3 days, the response from the Karangan Kidul village community was very enthusiastic. In fact, the number of participants exceeded the target. Around 160 people came to the event.
On the first day, the program opened with quran recitation. The activity was intended to strengthen the surrounding community closely.
On the second day, there were 5 activities simultaneously held on the event. These activities included free treatment, free mass circumcision, cataract screening, IVA examination and cupping treatment.
KPLA prepared free medicines for public community based on doctor’s diagnosis. In addition, the event provided health checks such as blood pressure, blood sugar, gout and cholesterol.
For cataract screening, KPLA collaborated with Erry Dewanto Clinic (EDC Clinic) then for cupping team, they collaborated with Dompet Dhuafa.
On the last day, GBA activities filled with fun workout, competitions and counseling with local community. The counseling raised the theme of Diabetes Mellitus because many villagers in Karangan Kidul diagnosed with this disease.
GBA was held to realize one of Tri Dharma of Higher Education, which is community service. “GBA is annual event organized by KPLA since 1989. Thus, the social event must be continued every year.” said Fatih.
Hopefully, Karangan Kidul village community would be more “literate” about health and the risk of diabetes will decrease. (*)
Author: Mu’ammarin Rosikhuna Ilma
Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia