Bidikmisi Scholarship Lead Robby to Study in Faculty of Medicine

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Robby Azhari, Medical Education (PD) student at Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), winner of 2016 Bidikmisi education fee assistance. (Personal Doc.)

UNAIR NEWS – Being a doctor is a dream for many people. However, high tuitution fee is one of the things that can bury one’s dream of becoming a doctor but not for Robby Azhari, Medical Education (PD) student at Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), who won 2016 Bidikmisi fee assistance.

The student who was accepted through National University Entrance Entrance (SNMPTN) revealed that studying in medicine does not require expensive fees because there are many scholarships that can help in reducing study expenses. In addition, he does not feel different by being Bidikmisi student.

“Alhamdulillah, I got a Bidikmisi scholarship and I feel comfortable with everything in here.” said Robby.

Besides, Robby is often facilitated by university to participate in various events. Those events led him in reaching several achievements, both nationally and internationally.

Not to mention, the student from Pamekasan Madura won the first prize in AORTA Anatomy Olympics FK Universitas Hasanuddin (UNHAS) in 2018. Moreover, the theme was the law on abortion brought him to Indonesian Representative on Oral Presentation event “World Bioetich Day.” in Cyprus.

Robby (right) won 1st place in UNHAS AORTAFK Anatomy Olympiad (2018). (Private Doc.)

In the midst of busy lectures, Robby also actively writing scientific papers. Until now, he has written 16 paper. The latest paper raised Novel Endoscopic Devices as Smart Solution for Effective and Efficient Endometriosis Treatment (2016) as the theme.

The student who is also an Anatomy assistant lecturer (asdos) explained in managing his money. He participated in several competition to get additional income.

“Because at that time, I get Bidikmisi fee assistance (money)  every three months. So, when I receive, I immediately set aside some of the money at the beginning and then the rest can be used to help with expenses during college. Such as photocopying and purchasing stationery.” Robby said.

He often joining competition and also in charge as assistant lecturer, it made Robby get additional income. “Alhamdulillah, I became an assistant lecturer and won several competition thus, I can save my money.” he said. (*)

Author: Faisal Dika Utama

Editor: Binti Q Masruroh

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