Kabinet Gelora Sinergi Ready to Bring 2019 AUBMO to be Solid and Progressive

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UNAIR NEWS – Bidikmisi Organization (AUBMO) Universitas Airlangga milestone has been changed. In 2019, there were new Head of AUBMO Muhammad Alfan Khoiruddin and Vice of AUBMO, Evita Anugraini. In this year’s management, AUBMO carried the name of “Gelora Sinergi”.

Regarding this matter, Alfan explained the name of the cabinet “Gelora Sinergi” showed a spirit of synergy between Bidikmisi students. The name was formed to achieve the vision and answer shortcomings in the management last year.

“This year, they need to make a breakthrough, especially the spirit of synergy.” he added.

Alfan said the synergy are maintaining and optimizing AUBMO as a forum for Bidikmisi students aspiration in Universitas Airlangga. As well as being a place for Bidikmisi students to actualize their interests and talents, especially soft skills.

“The Synergy Movement is not only a passion for how to synergize between AUBMO staff but also between Bidikmisi students, thus there will be a good communication and foster a sense of pride among Bidikmisi UNAIR students,” he said.

Meanwhile, Evita as Vice of AUBMO explained the logo was in the form of three sparks which underneath of nine serrated eyes. Fire symbolizes the spirit of upholding the spirit of AUBMO.

Three sparks represent three marriages that are the foundation of AUBMO, namely service, development and service. Whereas, serigi symbolizes a coordination of all ministries that support AUBMO. Nine teeth represent the number of ministries in AUBMO.

In addition to fire and serrations, continued Evita, inside the gear, there are two chains that are tied together. The two bound chains symbolize a good relationship between AUBMO officials with each other. Regarding color, the logo uses three colors, namely yellow, white and orange. Yellow symbolizes optimism and cheerfulness, white symbolizes sincerity, and orange symbolizes self-confidence, creative, and innovative.

“I hope the logo that we have formed together can add to the enthusiasm and awareness of 2019 AUBMO management to fight for the bidikmisi of Universitas Airlangga” he concluded. (*)

Author: M. Najib Rahman

Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i

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