UNAIR NEWS – Since its establishment on April 17, 2017, Universitas Airlangga Institute for Business Development and Incubation (LPBI) is the development of Academic Product Development Institute and Intellectual Property Rights (LPPA-HKI). LPBI is assigned to initiate, facilitate, organize business development and incubation in Universitas Airlangga’s environment, and conduct activities related to academic and commercial business units.
On Tuesday, April 23, LPBI carried out program dissemination on PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi campus. The dissemination was attended by PSDKU Coordinators, lecturers and students in Giri campus A102 lecture hall. In his remarks, Prof. Dr. Suryanto, M.Si., as the Coordinator of PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi explained the main purpose of LPBI team’s arrival to Banyuwangi campus.
“At the moment, we are facing industrial revolution 4.0, even in Japan is already at 5.0, therefore LPBI begins to accelerate its pace to come here, to facilitate business activity of academic community here,” he explained.
He also hoped with the presence of LPBI to disseminate the program, PSDKU lecturers and students will be interested in the programs offered by LPBI and Kemenristekdikti. LPBI was there to introduce itself and its programs.
“LPBI is the University’s holding unit, its main task is definitely to make money independently for operational needs of UNAIR,” said Dr. Muhammad Nafik Hadi Ryandono, SE., M.Si., as Head of LPBI.
The FEB lecturer also explained that the products widely developed by LPBI were the results UNAIR lecturers and students’ research as research and innovation should appropriately be developed into products.
“Because a research is an innovation, then research is developed to create a product, and the potential research products will be supported by LPBI for commercialization,” he said.
Dr. Mas Rahmah, S.H., M.H., as HKI Coordinator and product certification, also explained the function of LPBI which is to facilitate UNAIR academic community to submit HKI (Intellectual Property Rights).
“In addition to its function of business development, LPBI can also facilitate academics if they want to protect their invention, from brands, patents, copyrights, trade secrets, to variety protection, ” she added.
In the end of the event, Ahmad Yusri Authoni, as Assistant Manager of UNAIR’s Business Incubator Program, explained the Startup Recruitment program: Business and Technology Incubation Programs is opened for students, lecturers, and UNAIR alumni who had ideas or interests in startup industry and wanted to develop their innovation results.
“In this program there will be a kind of boot camp for business sharing with other participants and mentors, then in the later stages there will be intensive assistance from LPBI for participants’ business market development,” he concluded. (*)
Author: Bastian Ragas
Editor: Nuri Hermawan