UNAIR NEWS – Interest and Talent Community of Voluntary Corps of Indonesian Red Cross Off Main Campus Program (KSR-PMI PSDKU) Universitas Airlangga in Banyuwangi has held another humanitarian activity. It was held on Thursday, April 25, in a form of blood donation program in collaboration with Blood Donation Unit of Indonesian Red Cross (UDD PMI) in Banyuwangi Regency.
To UNAIR NEWS, Alvian Maulana as Head of KSR-PMI Committee of PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi said that the work program was conducted with coordination and consulted to UDD PMI Banyuwangi Regency, from the preparation to implementation.
“This blood donation activity is scheduled twice in one period,” he said.
Alvian also explained that the purpose of routine blood donation program is to improve sense of humanity, especially for students of PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi. With better sense of humanity, he continued, students will be more sensitive and care for others. With a blood donation, Alvian said, students make contribution in saving lives.
“This blood donation was opened for academics and general public around the campus. Therefore, we promoted the event every day, starting from building awareness on benefits of blood donation, from words of mouth to social media in maintaining heart health, increasing red blood cell production, helping to lose weight, getting psychological health and detecting serious illnesses, ” he said.
According to PSDKU Public Health student, this time the blood donation event received high enthusiasm. There were around sixty people including residents around UNAIR PSDKU campus in Banyuwangi making contribution. It exceeded the target of only thirty donors.
“We hope that students will have great sense of humanity and social awareness for others. With this work program, hopefully it can become a new access for us in spreading good deeds, “concluded the 2016 class student. (*)
Author: Sulistyo Primadani
Editor: Nuri Hermawan