Preparing for PEKSIMIDA, Hima Basindo Filter Poetry Reading Interest

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ONE of UNAIR Indonesian Language and Literature students while reading poetry at Sasindo Cup 2019 event. (Photo: Shofiyyatul Mahrushah)

UNAIR NEWS – The lack of the next generation of poetry readers at Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) made Department of Student Association (HMD) of Indonesian Language and Literature held a poetry reading competition. The competition was held in Sasindo Cup (Pilsas) 2019 event.

Head of Appreciation and Talent Division (Apminbak) of Sasindo HMD Aimmatul Husna said poetry reading competition was the latest competition in 2019 Pilsas activity.

“In previous years, there were only sports and game competition. But this year, poetry reading competition is new innovation for students who have interest and talent in poetry reading.” added Indonesian Language and Literature student.

The activity was held in Siti Parwati Room at FIB UNAIR attended by several student representatives from 2017 and 2018.

Meanwhile, Siswanto as the person in charge of Pilsas said poetry reading competition was deliberately set aside for two generation. Moreover, the winners will be UNAIR representatives in poetry reading competition at Regional Student Art Week (PEKSIMIDA).

The poetry reading competition held on Monday, April 22 consists of two categories of men category and women category. Each participant brought two poetry titles. One compulsory poem, and one chosen poem that has been determined by the committee.

In the end, participants received an evaluation from the jury. Namely, by taking into account the interpretation, representation, articulation and intonation as the jury criteria evaluation.

Head of Sasindo HMD, Mochammad Hidayah Tulloh emphasized the purpose of pilpas is strengthen inter-group relations between Indonesian Language and Literature students at FIB UNAIR. (*)

Author: Shofiyyatul Mahrushah

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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