UNAIR NEWS – The new management, Communication Forum (Forkom) Student Activity Unit (UKM) of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) has set a new direction to support the achievement of UNAIR towards 500 World Class University (WCU). This was stated by Head of Forkom 2019, Blandina Easter Grace Wairata.
Interviewed on Monday, April 18, Faculty of Nursing (FKp) student revealed as UNAIR academics community, it was mandatory to support UNAIR target towards 500 WCU.
“There are a lot of achievements obtained by UKM, both at regional, national and international scale. It will directly help UNAIR to 500 WCU.” explained Dina, her nick name.
Besides actively participating in various competition, she held competitions often. It was UNAIR introduction to the wider community.
Dina said that in every activity held by UKM, UNAIR always supports and gives attention to the program. Both through permits, funding, and facilities.
“That made us as the coordinator of the UKM to be strong in welcoming 500 WCU,” he explained.
The student who joined UKM Orchestra explained the task of UKM Forkom in general was as coordinator. Hopefully, all of the activities can run well.
“With several activities that exist in UKM, the role of forkom in terms of assisting coordination with the rector’s office is very necessary. So that the existing activities can run well with the support of university.” she added.
Regarding the role of students in creating UNAIR 500 WCU, Dina revealed that there were many ways to participate in bringing UNAIR to 500 worlds. One of them is the activity in UKM.
“With many competition joined by UKM member and support from university, it will help us to get more achievements in international scale.” he added. (*)
Author: Faisal Dika Utama
Editor: Binti Q Masruroh