FK UNAIR Students Hold Community Service Activities in Pacarkembang

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Health Exam in Balai RW 7 Kelurahan Pacar Kembang on Saturday, April 20, 2019
Health Exam in Balai RW 7 Kelurahan Pacar Kembang on Saturday, April 20, 2019 (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Midwifery Student Association (Himawary) in collaboration with Central for Indonesian Medical Students Activities (CIMSA) Student Executive Board Faculty of Medicine Universitas Airlangga (BEM KM FK UNAIR) held Pregnant Women Nutrition Movement on Saturday, April 20, 2019 in Balai RW 7 Kelurahan Pacarkembang, Tambaksari Sub-district, Surabaya City.

The activity was titled Healthy Nutrition in maintaining the mental health of pregnant women in RW 7 area of ​​Pacar Kembang. The activities included material presentation, door prizes and free medical exams. Health tests given were blood pressure and blood sugar checks.

The first material was delivered by Dr. Sri Umijati, dr., MS on Nutrition for Pregnant Women. Then the second material was delivered by Triana Budi Lestari, M. Psi on Mental Health for Pregnant Women.

Adeylla Mayang Sari as the head of the committee hoped that women in RW 7 Pacar Kembang area could be empowered, both for themselves and the community. Knowledge about nutrition and mental health is expected to straighten various restrictions on pregnant women. It can also be directly applied in the family so that the quality of public health can improve.

“I hope this event can be useful and the knowledge can be used at any time,” she said.

RW 7 area of ​​ Pacar Kembang is an assisted area built by CIMSA in organizing Diabetes Mellitus Movement (Gulali) program. Gulali itself has been held since last December.

Gratitude was conveyed by Tri Joeda Oetama as head of RW 7 Pacar Kembang “Thank you all the students who have cared for the surrounding community, including in this area,” he said.

They are coping with diabetes mellitus in the region by educating citizens to do exercise, health checks and follow-up.  The follow-up is intended for students to know the progress of the education given.

“Gulali will continue to be held until the community itself can be independent and does not need to be followed up again,” said Alfisar Shidqi, a member of CIMSA. (*)


Author: Mu’ammarin Rosikhuna Ilma

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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