Monitor PKM Funding Progress 2019, UNAIR and Garuda Sakti Holds Regular Meeting 1

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PKM team while consulting with supervisor. (Photo: Muhammad Wildan Suyuti)

UNAIR NEWS – PKM implementation is an obligation that must be carried out by all the team that passes funding stage from Dikti. In 2019, there were 37 PKM Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) teams that passed the funding stage.

Entering the first month of PKM implementation, all the team attended Regular Meeting (RM) 1 or internal monitoring and evaluation. It was intended to monitor, report on progress and also consult with supervisor or Student Assistance Team (TPK).

The event took place on Tuesday, April 16 in Kahuripan Hall, 3rd Floor, Campus C Building, UNAIR Campus C. Attended by all UNAIR PKM teams who passed funding stage, supervisors and TPK.

Julyana as Head of Garuda Sakti UNAIR PKM division explained that RM 1 aims to monitor the progress of PKM in providing direction and motivation to all of the team.

“Today, all PKM teams were very enthusiastic to report their progress. This must be maintained until the end, because the process of implementing the PKM takes a long time. Hopefully, we can monitor 37 teams and lead them to PIMNAS 32” she concluded.

Akhmad Afifudin Al-Anshori, gold medalist in 31st PIMNAS in PKM-T field passed funding stage in PKM-PE field this year, again. Afif gave a few tips on making a good proposal. According to him, various problems must be analyzed to get new innovations for PKM proposal.

“Apart from that, what needs to be considered are the use of latest literature and the accuracy of administrative requirements for the proposal. Both are the key to pass the funding stage” he added.

It should be noted, RM are UNAIR internal evaluation and also as a monitor of PKM progress. The activity carried out regularly every two weeks during PKM implementation process. In addition, structured monitoring and guidance were also carried out to avoid minimum errors in PKM. (*)

Author: Muhammad Wildan Suyuti

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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