Promoting GERMAS, FKM PSDKU Detects Non-Communicable Diseases Early

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GERMAS: Health Check Activity for Early Detection of Non-communicable diseases in Banyuwangi FKM PSDKU.
GERMAS: Health Check Activity for Early Detection of Non-communicable diseases in Banyuwangi FKM PSDKU. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Faculty of Public Health (FKM) of Off Main Campus Program (PSDKU) Universitas Airlangga Banyuwangi held an Early Detection of Non-Communicable Diseases (PTM) for all students. Being held in the meeting room of UNAIR Banyuwangi PSDKU Campus, the event was held on Friday, April 12, 2019.

The activity organized by Public Health Program in collaboration with Health Agency and  Ministry of Health started at 8:00 a.m. with an opening, joint morning exercise, followed with eating fruit together. It was led directly by Dr. Prima as Head of Diabetes Mellitus and Metabolic Disorders Sub-directorate, Non-Communicable Diseases  Prevention and Control Directorate, Ministry of Health.

Then, a dissemination activity entitled “Prevention and Control of Risk Factors for Non-Communicable Diseases through Healthy Living Community Movement (GERMAS)” to explain the biggest risk of death in Indonesia due to non-communicable disease was held and followed by a Health Check including Measurement of Weight, Height, Stomach Circumference, Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar and Cholesterol check.

To UNAIR NEWS after completing the dissemination, Dr. Prima stated that the activity supports the government programs, the Healthy Living Community Movement (GERMAS). GERMAS was implemented since Presidential Instruction (INPRES) No. 1 of 2017, with 3 main focuses this year, Periodic Health Detection, eating vegetables, and physical activity.

“Based on this, the Community based Posbindu Program was initiated to conduct early detection. However, the service is still not maximal, with only 43 villages that have Posbindu and the coverage is still around 3% of Indonesian total population,” he said.

Therefore, he continued, there should be a special movement that targets institutions for example “Healthy Campus”. It was done to form Posbindu activities in campus in the hopes that it could run routinely, so the health of entire academic community could be monitored.

As agents of change, students have one of the important roles in this movement. However, the most important thing is that it starts from ourselves.

” Everything starts from ourselves, starts to change, and then starts to change other people,” he added.

In the end, he encouraged all parties to be a healthy and wise generation in choosing a lifestyle.

“So that we can inherit and continue the future of this nation into a dignified country in the world,” he concluded (*)

Author: Athiya Adibatul Wasi

Editor: Nuri Hermawan


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