FK UNAIR Successfully Holds IMPhO III-2019, UI Maintains the Title

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All IMPhO III-2019 participants consisting of 49 teams from 34 universities in Indonesia taking pictures together with FK UNAIR Vice Dean II and other academics, after opening, in FK UNAIR Hall, Saturday on March 13. (Photo: Bambang Bes)

UNAIR NEWS – Indonesian Medical Physiology Olympiad (IMPhO) was successfully hosted by Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, April 13-14. In IMPhO III, Universitas Indonesia (UI) FK team succeeded win the competition.

Moreover, there were two team from UI. One of their team won second place, while FK UNAIR won the third place. The result was the same as IMPhO I / 2017. Meanwhile in IMPhO II, UI won first place and UNAIR won second place.

In addition, the number of participants increased from previous year. In IMPhO II / 2018 attended by 35 teams from 22 universities (FK) in Indonesia, in IMPhO III / 2019, the event attended by 49 teams from 34 different universities in Indonesia. One team consists of 3 students.

Furthermore, Vice Dean II FK UNAIR, Prof. Dr. Budi Santoso, dr., Sp.OG (K) hopes in the following years, FK UNAIR can hold similar events but in scope of international level. In addition, International Medical Physiology Olimpiad will also be held around July or September 2019 at UI.

“In my remarks, hopefully we can host the international Olympics in the future.” All of the academics will support this event for the better of FK UNAIR ” said Prof. Budi Santoso familiarly called Prof. BUS,.

Physiology is very important because it is the basic of medical science. For that, continued Prof. BUS, all of academic leader will support it. Moreover, this event is also very important for students, in understanding various diseases.

“The current IMPhO is national level event, hopefully it will be better known and more internationally known like Medspin (Medical Science and Application Competition) for high school students which is also carried out by FK UNAIR,” said Prof. BUS.

In the opening of IMPhO III / 2019, there was IMPhO’s quist master and the founder of IMPhO Prof. Cheng Hwee Ming from Malaysia.

In his brief remarks, Prof. Cheng Hwee Ming acknowledged that IMPhO participants in UNAIR were extraordinary. Evidently the participants increased compared to last year. Therefore, he hopes there will be follow-up event every year at Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga.

Meanwhile,  Head of Committee, Chabib Fachry Albab explained, the third year of IMPhO was joined by 49 teams from 34 different universities from various regions across Indonesia,

Chafa hopes that participants should be more concerned or increase their awareness the basic of medical science, one of which is physiology and other sciences such as biochemistry, anatomical pathology, etc.

“Hopefully, we can increase the competition to a higher level, internationally next year.” said Chafa. (*)

Author: Bambang Bes

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