April 15, 2019


Election Upon Us, There is Still Time to Choose

2019 simultaneous elections are just days away. The fifth presidential debate will become a benchmark in determining the future votes. Attending at the debate, Rector of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) Prof. Dr. H. Mohammad Nasih, S.E., MT., Ak., CMA., as the panelist coordinator for the Fifth Presidential Debate 2019.


Semangat dan Kebulatan Tekad Antarkan Riyantita ke Mesir

Mengikuti student exchange atau pertukaran pelajar adalah sebuah mimpi dan kesempatan besar bagi mahasiswa. Tak terkecuali bagi Riyantita Tunjung, satu dari sekian mahasiswa UNAIR yang menjadi salah satu peserta student exchange. Menghabiskan 25 hari di Mesir, Riyantita membagikan kisahnya pada tim UNAIR NEWS.

IMPhO sukses
Berita, Event

IMPhO III-2019 FK UNAIR Raih Sukses, UI Pertahankan Gelar

Olimpiade nasional bidang fisiologi atau Indonesian Medical Physiology Olympiad (IMPhO) III-2019 mengukir sukses. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan Departemen Ilmu Faal FK UNAIR, 13-14 April 2019, diikuti 49 tim dari 34 universitas di Indonesia. Tim mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia berhasil mempertahankan gelar juara.


Passion and Determination Makes Riyantita Study in Egypt

Joining student exchange is a dream and a great opportunity for students. No exception for Riyantita Tunjung, one of the many students at Universitas Airlangga who had an opportunity to be student exchange participants. Spending 25 days in Egypt, Riyantita shared her story with UNAIR NEWS team.

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