UNAIR NEWS – Airlangga Basketball Competition (ABC) is a pioneer of sports events initiated by Basketball Community of Interest and Talent (Komikat) Off Main Campus Program (PSDKU) Universitas Airlangga in Banyuwangi. The prestigious competition was first held in 2016.
M. Firzha Hawari (FKH 2018 student) as Chair of 2019 Basketball Club said that in addition to being a forum for developing talents and a place to learn basketball, the Basketball Komikat is also a place to gain reputation for the alma mater. One of them is by holding ABC activities. The purpose of ABC is to introduce and attract students in various regions, especially in Banyuwangi to study at UNAIR.
“Because not only through an academic approach, to attract new students, non-academic approach is also needed. Moreover, the interest of students in Banyuwangi about sports is great, “he explained.
Firzha, also explained that in the first year of ABC, the concept of the match was 3 × 3 for Banyuwangi High School students. The event, he continued, was warmly welcomed by high school students in the city of Gandrung. The schools did not only send one team but they could send two to three teams.
“Not only the school team comes from the city center, but they came from every corner of the city also enlivened this event,” he said.
In the second year, he continued, ABC did not only involve high school students to participate in the annual event. However, ABC began to spread to junior high school students in Banyuwangi Regency. For this year, he said, ABC will be held in Java and Bali for general categories, universities, high schools and junior high schools.
In the end, he also stressed that even though there were obstacles regarding funding and publications, they did not diminish the enthusiasm of PSDKU Basketball Team to gain good reputation for the alma mater, specifically introducing PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi through ABC event.
“We will also work with Indonesian Basketball Association (PERBASI), companies for event sponsorship, and media publications and relations to spread the news,” added Firzha.
Author: Sulistyo Primadani
Editor: Nuri Hermawan