Seven UNAIR Psychology Wins Several Categories in One Competition

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SEVEN Psychology Faculty students after winning Psycocompetition 2.0. (Photo: Courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Students of Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) Universitas Airlangga have made achievements in Psycocompetition 2.0 which took place at Universitas Lambung Mangkurat. This achievement was achieved on March 28-31 2019. The categories were psychosmart and psychosign.

The competition led three FPsi teams won in 1st place and 2nd place. Psycosign category on poster design competition was successfully won by Hafni Iva Nuryana. Hafni was declared 2nd winner place for the design category.

For other categories, psychosmart succeeded in contributing 1st place and 2nd place. The team were Miftahul Rizka Devia S, Farah Nabila Khansa, and Sherliafebri Innocentia. Meanwhile, for 2nd place winner won by a team consist of: Felicia Meidy Kinasih, Mega Surya Eka Putri, and Narendrasai Trisakti.

Narendra, one of the team representatives who won Psycosmart 2nd place winner said the competition was conducted online. They also compete with students from various universities, one of them was Gajah Mada University (UGM).

“We registered the competition via online. We are grateful that we made it to the final round,” he added.

The winner of psychomart category was an impressive experience for Narendra. Against one team from the same faculty and university was the toughest challenge during the final round.

“Even our score was a slightly different with the other team,” he added.

The achievement achieved by FPsi students was also inseparable from the role of BEM FPsi. Through Department of Achievement helped information and flow of permits before leaving to Universitas Lambung Mangkurat. Bina Prestasi Department also facilitated the delegation team with lecturers to the final round.

“Thank you for everyone in BEM FPsi for supporting and helping us before our departure,” said Narendra. “Thank you for BEM FPsi and lecturers who have helped us untill final round,” he concluded.

In final round, the themes were environmental psychology and general psychology. The experience gained during the competition also added new insights in line with psychology realm. (*)

Author: Aditya Novrian

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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