UNAIR NEWS – Having the opportunity to be a speaker in international forum and attended by officials from various major universities across the world was an honor for Head of Planning and Development Agency (BPP) Universitas Airlangga, Prof. Badri Munir Sukoco, Ph.D.
On Thursday, March 28 Prof. Badri was invited to deliver his ideas related to strategic management of universities towards world class university (WCU). The idea was conveyed in front of dozens of cross-country academics in Kuala Lumpur Convention Center, Malaysia.
Prof. Badri was also included in the research team at Kemenristekdikti explained campus strategy, especially UNAIR, to be able entering the list of the best universities in QS version.
Prof. Badri said that currently Indonesia was a country in Asian region that has a high interest in research. In 2017, the research growth by academics reached 52.44 percent and it made predatory journals and publisher targeted Indonesia. Thus, the government uses standardized university ranking. To be one of world class university, publications are important and it also require a lot of money.
“The growth of our publication (Indonesia, ed) is high but the research utilization of citations is below average.” said Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UNAIR professor.
During the presentation, Prof. Badri revealed to become a university with international standards, university should collaborate with highly cited researchers.
“If our lecturers conduct research and publications with lecturers from international university, it shows that our internationalization is good,” he explained.
For example, researchers from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) Prof. Datin Dr Norlinah Mohamed Ibrahim. As many as 9 percent of citations owned by UKM derived from Prof. Datin’s contribution. For this reason, Prof. Badri currently looking for networks so Prof. Datin on public health research could collaborate with Faculty Medical (FK) researchers in UNAIR.
In addition, cross-campus academics in the panel discussion were Prof. Downing Thomas, Associate Provost and Dean of International Program University of Iowa, USA; and Prof. Ai Xin Deputy Director, Office of International Exchange and Cooperation, Beijing Normal University, China.
In the interview session, Prof. Badri also expressed his excitement because as a team in Improving Academic Reputation of Indonesian Universities, Kemenristekdikti, using the data he presented, the government planned to provide endowment funds worth of two trillion for several top universities in Indonesia.
“With our data, we can encourage people to choose UNAIR,” he added.
APAIE Exhibition
The panel discussion attended by Prof. Badri was in the series Asia-Pacific Association for International Education (APAIE) event. Besides Prof. Badri, Prof. Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih as Executive Director of Airlangga Global Engagement (AGE) UNAIR was there on a different day.
The event was mostly attended by administrators and professors from various international universities. The impact for UNAIR was to enhance academic reputation in the world.
In addition, this forum was also used by Prof. Badri to find new international network with academics from various universities. In addition, he was invited to give a guest lecture in there.
Author: Binti Q. Masruroh