Rector Inaugurates 2019 Student Organization Management

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UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga’s student organization  (Ormawa) is one of the bridges for university to improve its quality, in order to bring UNAIR to Top 500 World Class University (WCU). Therefore, the regeneration of this organization is very necessary.

Therefore, UNAIR inaugurated organization managements in UNAIR on Tuesday, April 2, 2019. The inauguration became the beginning for the students to carry out their mandate for a year.

In the activity held at Amerta Hall, Management Office, UNAIR Campus C, UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. M. Nasih, SE, MT, Ak., inaugurated some administrators. They consist of a head, secretary, and members of Student Representative Assembly (MPM); head, secretary, and members of Student Legislative Council (DLM); head and deputy of Student Executive Board (BEM); head, deputy and secretary of Communication Forum (Forkom); and also the head and secretary of all UNAIR Student Activity Units (UKM).

On that occasion, Prof. Nasih said that there are some things need to be emphasized. In history, all the world’s great figures came from those who in their youth became activists,  those who continue to hone their skills and learn in organizational units.

“In his time, activists were honed by the times and environmental conditions so that they could have better quality than others and therefore success could be achieved. There are no world leaders born out of luck but they all are developed from experience, “said Prof. Nasih.

Then, Prof. Nasih also conveyed to the inauguration participants that they were selected students who were given the opportunity to hone all their skills and ability to become leaders in the future. So they can get two lessons at once.

REKTOR UNAIR Prof. Dr. M. Nasih, S.E., M.T., Ak., menyalami sejumlah pengurus organisasi mahasiswa (ormawa) dalam kegiatan pelantikan pengurus organisasi mahasiswa (ormawa) Universitas Airlangga pada Selasa (2/4/2019). (Foto: Agus Irwanto)
UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. M. Nasih, SE, MT, Ak., congratulated some student organization administrators (Ormawa) in the inauguration of Universitas Airlangga Student Organization (ORMAWA) on Tuesday, April 2, 2019. (Photo: Agus Irwanto)

“For all of you (inaugurated students, ed) who are now administrators of student organizations, have two schools at once. The first school is in each program and the second school is in a life school in a student organization,” said Prof. Nasih.

Before finishing his remarks, Prof. Nasih advised the administrators to use their time as well as possible as a learning process. They are expected to represent output developed by UNAIR. The output is able to produce graduates who are not only excellent in academic field, but also have excellent morality.

“Not only GPA, the main value of success, but the ability to work in teams in order to problems and bring solutions is also needed,” said Prof. Nasih.

“This is a tough task, but I’m sure this period will be better than the previous one which has been very good. Continue your excellent works for the nation of Indonesia,” he added. (*)


Author: Ulfah Mu’amarotul Hikmah

Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i


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