KSR PSDKU Share Kindness Trough Humanitarian Mission

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MEMBER of Komikat KSR PSDKU after inauguration. (Photo: Courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Korps Suka Relawan or KSR is one of Komikat (Community of Interest and Talent) at PSDKU Campus of Universitas Airlangga in Banyuwangi. Komikat KSR becomes a forum for students who want to be volunteer in humanitarian field.

KSR PSDKU Banyuwangi was initiated in 2016 by Bintang Aji Pangestu, FKM 2016 student with his classmate Alfian Maulana. After one year, finally in 2017 KSR PSDKU Banyuwangi was inaugurated by Banyuwangi branch of Indonesian Red Cross (PMI). The inauguration of KSR PSDKU Banyuwangi was inaugurated as chairman of KSR at that time.

Met by UNAIR NEWS on Thursday March 28, Alfian Maulana as current Head of KSR explained the background of KSR PSDKU establishment. According to him, KSR PSDKU is an effort and media to accommodate students in helping others. Besides that, KSR PSDKU also provides knowledge and insight in PSDKU.

Dismissing the notion that KSR PSDKU was the only committee intended for Faculty of Public Health students, the student who familiarly called Alfian said that all of PSDKU Banyuwangi students could be KSR members. In fact, there were 30 students who joined KSR PSDKU from all of study programs in there.

“There have been around 30 students consisting of students from four faculties in PSDKU Universitas Airlangga in Banyuwangi.” he explained.

He also revealed that one of the efforts to realize KSR’s humanitarian goals was to hold a blood donation. He hopes it can be carried out at PSDKU campus this year, since the program was not implemented in previous year.

“We also recorded blood gologies from members for database.”he said.

In the end, Alfian hoped the administrators would be more active in carrying out the mission in KSR. Furthermore, he wish that KSR PSDKU members will always spread kindess related to humanity issues.

“Hopefully, members will be more active in blood donation as publication for PSDKU with socialization or other activity related to humanitarian,” he concluded. (*)

Author: Diah Susi Kusumawati

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

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