UNAIR NEWS – Faculty of Nursing (FKp) UNAIR collaborates with University of Malaya for a Student Inbound program. This time, University of Malaya students visited Universitas Airlangga Hospital (RSUA) and Infectious Disease Hospital (RSKI) on Thursday, March 28, 2019.
Their arrival was welcomed by Prof. Dr. Djoko Agus Purwanto, Apt., M.Si, Deputy Director of HR and Finance, and some of RSUA staffs. Prof. Djoko explained the design of new innovations that will be applied in RSUA. He also briefly mentioned about Floating Hospital “Ksatria Airlangga” (RST-KA) by UNAIR alumni which sails to various islands in Indonesia.
“Our alumni association is making innovation that can solve inter-island health problems, with a Floating Hospital. As Indonesia has about 17 thousand islands. Some parts of the area are still difficult to get health services, ” he said.
Meanwhile, Syamira Syarif who is a Malaya student was amazed by Floating Hospital by UNAIR Alumni. “Great, so it’s now easy for Indonesian to give health services,” she said.
University of Malaya students at RSUA. (Photo: By courtesy)
The students were accompanied by a Student Ambassador, an FKp Lecturer and several RSUA staffs. They visited the internal, chronic, emergency room (IGD), and general ward. The students were very enthusiastic about the process of healthcare given in each room they visited.
The event was expected to support RSUA in promoting the health care system, health care development, and management arrangements of the RSUA towards international community. Hopefully it can attract the interest of international community to conduct health care in Indonesia. (*)
Author: Achmad Ubaidillah Mughni
Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia