UNAIR NEWS – Islamic Spirituality Division Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) held an ”Sekolah Infokom” on Saturday, March 30, 2019 at Nuruzzaman Mosque, Universitas Airlangga. The event was attended by around 20 members of FISIP SKI UNAIR in order to provide training on journalism.
Starting at 8:00 a.m., the event was opened with a speech from the chief executive and head of UNAIR FISIP SKI. Followed by a Qur’an recitation which was read by a member of SKI FISIP UNAIR.
The speaker of the event was Zanna Afia Deswari. A student who is often called Zanna is a contributor of UNAIR NEWS. The material delivered by Zanna was on journalism, such as journalism understanding, journalism elements, news value, and journalism photography.
After the material was delivered for two hours, the committee opened Q&A session. In the session, great enthusiasm was shown by the members of UNAIR FISIP SKI. One of the four members who asked was Zaki. The Communication Science student asked what needs to be prepared and done before covering a story.
“So, what needs to be prepared when doing the coverage is a notebook and stationery (ATK). Besides, bring a camera, at least a cellphone camera to document the event, ” Zanna said.
In addition, Zanna added that mobile phones can also be used as voice recording devices. This recorder is used when interviewing speakers. She also reminded them to ensure that the voice recorder turned on when interviewing.
“Then, the things that needs to be paid attention when covering a story, is to find information about the event. Don’t just come directly to the location. So that you (participants, ed) can find out what can be asked to the speakers during interview, ” she said.
During the Q&A session, Zanna also shared her experience when she first joined UNAIR NEWS. She explained how the situation she faced at that time when she had to cover international events. In the end she can interview the right person.
With the end of Q&A session, the committee practiced the knowledge that had been obtained. The committee gave participants 15 minutes to write the news. The news written was about ” Sekolah Infokom ” program.
Author: Ardimawan Fikri Wibianto
Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i