Komikat UKTK Jenggirat Tangi PSDKU Committed to Develop Banyuwangi Culture

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Komikat UKTK after performing for UNAIR 64th Anniversary.
Komikat UKTK after performing for UNAIR 64th Anniversary. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – The Dance and Karawitan Activities Unit (UKTK) is one of the right places to develop non-academic potential of students. So is Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) students Off Main Campus Program (PSDKU) in Banyuwangi. Similar to Universitas Airlangga in Surabaya, PSDKU UNAIR also has Community of Talent and Interest (Komikat) for students in UKTK field.

“Jenggirat Tangi” is a typical Banyuwangi motto used by UKTK as their official name. There is hope to continue working with a burning spirit behind the philosophy of the name which means “get up” or “get up quickly”.

To UNAIR NEWS, on March 26, Fadillah Adim, as first Head of UKTK Jenggirat Tangi explained the purpose of the community. According to him, the UKTK Community was there to provide a place for PSDKU students to explore Banyuwangi culture. UKTK Jenggirat Tangi even invited trainers directly from Sanggar Cak Wan from Kemiren Tourism Village every week to teach and hone the abilities of students, members of the group.

“Banyuwangi Gamelan is different from Javanese Gamelan; starting from instruments, rhythm, beats, and many other things. Therefore, we present the right coach for the members, because the learning process is more complicated and long, “explained Fadillah.

This woman from Bojonegoro hoped that students who are members of her community can always perform live performances including the music.

“To get better feeling. And this is what distinguishes use from UKTK Surabaya, ” she continued.

With many festival events in Banyuwangi Regency, Muhammad Novi Yusuf as Head of UKTK Jenggirat Tangi for 2019 period, hopes that UKTK Jenggirat Tangi will not only perform for internal events, but also at Banyuwangi cultural festival events.

“There are 3 goals this year, to appear in Banyuwangi Culture Everyday event, to fill the festival in Banyuwangi, and to hold arts and cultural competitions for Banyuwangi Regency,” he said.

The planned art and culture competition, he continued, is expected to be a place students and community in general to preserve the culture of archipelago.

“In essence, our slogan is do not claim to love homeland if you do not try to preserve the culture of the archipelago,” he concluded. (*)


Author: Tsania Ysnaini Mawardi

Editor: Nuri Hermawan


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