This Year, Munwa Pribadi Focuses on Public Speaking

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MUNWA Pribadi as a guest in Gandrung Sewu event at Boom Marina Beach last year. (Photo: M. Fariz)

UNAIR NEWS – The ability to speak in public or commonly called public speaking is an important thing for students. For this reason, as one of Community of Interest and Talent (Komikat) in Off Main Campus Study Program (PSDKU) Universitas Airlangga Banyuwangi, Komikat Munwa, an abbreviation of Student Community Self-Development and Personality will focused on improving public speaking.

Met by UNAIR NEWS on Tuesday March 26, Hanun Putri Nuraida as Head of Munwa Pribadi explained the focus of Munwa Pribadi in the future. In addition to basic things like table manner and personality, she continued, this year Munwa Pribadi will focused more on improving public speaking for all members.

“As a community of self-development and personality, Munwa Pribadi is required to always show its existence. One of them is good public speaking because we are working with Radio Blambangan this year.” explained the student of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.

In addition, Munwa Pribadi also worked with Banyuwangi Regional Government. The activities were successfully followed by Munwa Pribadi for three consecutive years started in 2016, 2017 and 2018, including Banyuwangi Beach Jazz Festival and Gandrung Sewu.

Currently, Munwa Pribadi working on a large annual events such as: Kartini Muda Airlangga IV. A series of Airlangga IV Young Kartini, among others, national essay competitions, photography competitions, and photogenic contest, and Campus Ambassadors (CA).

SC monitoring

In each management, Munwa Pribadi monitored directly by Steering Committee (SC) as a bridge of aspiration and solution in the management. Munwa Pribadi Steering Committee is currently mandated by M. Reynaldy Thoriq.

“Because Munwa Pribadi has several important event, so the role of SC is needed.” said the man who is familiarly called Thoriq.

Moreover, the organization which was established in 2014 was proven by its participation in various competitions. In 2017, Heni Dwi Novitasari won as the third winner of Green and Recycle Fashion Week. Following in 2018, Rista Amelia represented Munwa Pribadi at Ecthno Wear and successfully won the fifth runner up winner.

“To achieve a level of success, you need to experience the process. Let’s work together in Munwa Pribadi. It’s easy to join our organization, there are no special requirement. We need to be responsible of our action.” he concluded.

Author: Dian Putri Apriliani

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

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