UNAIR NEWS – The Department of English Language and Literature of Universitas Airlangga (Sasing UNAIR) in collaboration with Indonesian Translator Association (HPI) held a Translation Seminar on Saturday, March 23, 2019, in Room 312, 3rd Floor of FIB UNAIR. On that occasion, seminar participants learned how to become a good translator. A Peak into the World of Translators, the activity provides an overview of the professional industry, and the world of translation.
Anna Wiksmadhara as General Secretary of HPI and Senior Translator of Oil, Gas and Law said that translators would be able to do their job optimally in the language they mastered most. Translating Indonesian is the first step to becoming an excellent translator.
Anna continued, there were many opportunities for a career. In the professional world, translators are needed by corporate industry and considered as special skills. There are many specializations that can be chosen, document and non-document as well as written and oral translators (interpreters).
“As a prospective translator, it takes practice to translate. The translation that was done was read a few days later, which was corrected as learning material in translation. The first step in translating is certainly not easy. Training and research are needed to become excellent translators, ” she added.
Anna also provided material about investments that must be prepared by prospective translators, such as tips on compiling a good CV / Resume. There is a great need from industrial world in Indonesia for translation services. Training is also needed to improve the quality of translators and interpreters.
Moreover, there is also HPI organization as a forum for professionals that conduct training based on industrial needs with professional certification tests for all its members. Please note that HPI members will also be given opportunity to take National Certification Test (TSN). (*)
Author: Alicia Juanita
Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia