Library Holds Writing Workshop to Support International Journal Publication

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UNAIR NEWS – As a form of contribution for Universitas Airlangga towards World Class University (WCU), UNAIR Library Research and Development Unit held a Writing Workshop themed “Successful Publication in International Journals”. The event was held in Parlinah Room, Campus B UNAIR Library on Thursday, March 21, 2019.

Prof. Dr. Moh. Yasin, M.Si., a Professor of Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) UNAIR, was appointed as the keynote speaker at the event. Prof. Yasin has made 112 publications indexed by ScopusThere was also Novita D.A., S. Sos., M.Si., as a librarian of UNAIR which also provides material about writing effectively by delaying.

Prof. Yasin said many strategies for submitting to international journals. The FST UNAIR lecturer also said that journal writing must be valid and clear. All sources used must be from an accredited site.

“There are also old journals, but the contents are very much needed until now. Therefore, journal writing must pay attention to the contents as well, “he added.

Attended by about 54 participants, the training was not limited to master’s and doctoral students and lecturers in UNAIR. There were also participants from universities outside Java.

The training was held to encourage UNAIR academics to write well, by getting the right tricks so their works can be published in international journals.

At the event, Prof. Dr. I Made Narsa, S.E., M.Si., Ak. CA., as the Head of UNAIR Library said that the event provides a different atmosphere in UNAIR Library.

“I hope this event will continue, because this is a new atmosphere in library. The changes are extraordinary, there was no atmospheres where the librarian was involved in research and publications before. But now we are heading there, “he said.

Prof. Made also added that many UNAIR librarians had made publications even though they were not in reputable journals. “So far librarians are considered ordinary employees, even though they are functional same as lecturers,” he said.

To celebrate 64th Anniversary of UNAIR Library, it has made many agendas. One of them was a  event in July. (*)


Author: Erika Eight Novanty

Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i


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