Actively Participating in Various Dental Medicine Competition

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Aisyah Rachamdani Putri Gofur, Outstanding Graduate, Faculty of Dentistry. (Illustration: Feri Fenoria Rifai)

UNAIR NEWS – Actively participating in various dental medicine competition led Aisyah Rachamdani Putri Gofur to receive a prestigious award as the outstanding graduate in Faculty of Dental Medicine (FKG) Universitas Airlangga for the period of March 2019.

How come? The woman who was born in Surabaya, November 26, 1997 has eleven times participated in activities related to dental medicine. The biggest achievement was when she got Best Paper on Research Competition MDS-Pro in FKG Universitas Moestopo, Jakarta on 2018 and Oral Presentation Research Competition at the Asia-Pacific Dental Students Association (APDSA) delegation in Hong Kong 2017.

When she became an oral delegation to the APDSA presentation, she studied senior research about the innovation of healing fungal infections through green tea extract. It is known that it contains compounds that can be used as immunomodulators in immunocompromised conditions and if it has been infected with candida albicans it can be seen through blood and tissue profiles.

“Thus, green tea is expected to cure fungal infections and immunocompromised conditions or the condition of immune system decline,” said the winner of 2nd place in 2015 Student Achievement FKG UNAIR.

Aisyah admitted during the event, the obstacle was managing her time in competition and study because according to her, both are important and cannot be separated.

“I have to learn and hone my skills on making scientific papers and managing my good grades. Besides that, I looked for ideas and made scientific paper thus, I can keep up with the competition.” said the alumni of SMA Negeri Surabaya 15.

In addition to actively participating in the competition, Aisyah also participated in several campus organization. She has served as Head of FKG UNAIR Scientific College Comitte (SCC) Community, 2017 and Head of Education and Professional Department in FKG UNAIR Student Executive Board, 2018. (*)

Author: Fariz Ilham Rosyidi

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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