Psychology Students Have Practice to Seek Credible Journals

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UNAIR NEWS – College life cannot be separated from journals and other literature. Finding credible literature is not easy and sometimes cannot be found.

Not all journals can be found, either in hard copy or soft copy, whether in the library, reading room, and on the website.

Therefore, a group of students from Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) had ideas to facilitate fellow students by holding a College Survival Class seminar in Room 310, FPsi UNAIR, on Wednesday, March 20. The aim is to complete entrepreneurial tasks and make applications that support academic activities popular.

Head of Committee for seminar, Hirzan Syaharinda said that the activity is beneficial for participants. They will be able to understand how to look for journals and other literature through the application.

“The benefits, participants can understand the way in searching for journals and other literature through application,” he said.

These activities included how to find credible journals, free e-books, citation without difficulty, how to check plagiarism, grammar collector, and how the group works nowadays. The activity includes sharing and training.

Not only focusing on old semester students, but also for all students. The target, continued Hirzan, was not focused on the final semester students because they had experienced difficulty finding journals since the first semester.

“It is not exclusive, it’s for all students because in the first semester it was difficult to find the expected journal,” explained the sixth semester student.

The knowledge from the seminar can be applied by participants in working on their assignment. Most importantly, they can understand the supporting apps especially in supporting the educational process on campus.

“I hope, I can understand the supporting apps in academic activities,” he explained. (*)


Author: Asthesia Dhea C.

Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i


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