March 21, 2019


Spirit of BEM FST Leader to Realize Works’ Collaboration

For Fakhri Firdaus, being the Head of Student Executive Board Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) is not only about position. The 2016 Chemistry student said that it is a form of Fakhri’s loyalty to FST. At the same time as a form of tribute because he has been given the opportunity to make achievements.


Cerita Ni Made Krisantina Shandra Ikuti Ilmun di Thailand

International Leader Model United Nations (ILMUN) merupakan salah satu ajang bergengsi tingkat internasional. Diadakan di Thailand pada 30 Januari-2 Februari 2019, acara ini meninggalkan kesan mendalam bagi para pesertanya. Tak terkecuali bagi Ni Made Krisantina Shandra, mahasiswi Fakultas Farmasi UNAIR.

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