Calista Named Outstanding Student: All Must Be Balanced

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UNAIR NEWS – Calista Segalita, Nutrition Science Student at Faculty of Public Health has made a new achievement in her life. Calista was named an outstanding graduate in March 2019 graduation period with a 3.58 GPA.

Her achievements both academic and non-academic were made when she was still a student. The outstanding achievements included student exchange to Eindhoven (Erasmus Scholarship ) Netherlands, for 1 semester; served as Deputy BEM FKM 2015/2016 FKM UNAIR BEM; 3rd Winner of FKM UNAIR Outstanding Student, 3rd Place of FKM UNAIR Ambassador; First Winner of ONESCO UB Poster Competition.

Calista has also been an oral presenter at symposiums and international conferences in Jakarta, Surabaya, and Thailand. Most recently, she succeeded in writing and publishing 4 international journals.

“In my opinion, as long as someone has aspirations as high as the sky, feet will still be eager to step up to succeed in achieving it, “explained Calista optimistically.

She never plays safely. Everything that is done must be based on challenges especially for students who have not found interest.

Calista also has principle to always develops soft skills, do not let academic performance decline. All must be balanced.

There is a story of Calista when she was depressed working on a thesis. Calista once told her friends that she would be immediately graduate from the burden. But strangely, she even wanted to quickly study S2 program. Even though in reality, Calista realized that completing S2 study is not that easy. According to her testimony, it inspired her to graduate quickly.

Finally, Calista advised her juniors, especially at UNAIR, to know what kind of achievement they really want because it also determines the amount of effort that will be carried out. (*)

Author: Tunjung Senja Widuri

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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