10 Years on Practicing Pencak Silat

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Erma Purnawanti, graduated from Faculty of Science and Technology. (Illustration: Feri Fenoria Rifai)

UNAIR NEWS – Erma Purnawanti contribution in honoring UNAIR’s name deserves appreciation. On 2014, Environmental Engineering student has several achievements in the field of martial arts. A number of national and international achievements have been conquered by Erma. No doubt, the 23-year-old woman received an award as an outstanding graduate on March 2019 graduation period.

Some of Erma’s achievements includes 1st Place Winner on Women’s Hands-free Double Art in Airlangga Tapak Suci University Open International Championship, 1st Place on Women’s Category of Adult Art in Tapak Suci Universitas Jember 2nd Open Championship, 1st Place for IPSI Dual Art Category for Adult Women in 7th Airlangga 2016 Tapak Suci National Open Championship, and 1st Place for Women’s Armed Dual Arts in  IPB Tapak Suci Open 2018.

“I admit that I am not really diligent. My motivation during class was to make my parents happy through martial arts, “said Erma.

At first she joined Environmental Engineering Student Association. A year working in organizations, Erma realized that her passion was not there.

Entering the second year, Erma finally decided to join for Tapak Suci Student Activity Unit. The decision was supported by Erma’s hobby in martial art. She wanted to deepen her hobby since junior high school.

Since being a freshman, Erma has implemented high discipline by making a list of self-achievements. She still applied it until her last year of college .

“When I dont have any motivation, pencak silat is always the best place to express myself.” continued Erma.

After graduation, she did not want to rush. She wanted to enjoy her time after going through a long process of making thesis. She wanted to find a job first.

“I want to work in community empowerment field. Besides that, I want to teach my knowledge in martial arts to children, especially for elementary school students.” she concluded. (*)

Author: Tunjung Senja Widuri

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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