New Leader of BEM FKG UNAIR Ready to Realize the Synergy of Organization

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RM Luqman Adi Wiratama Nurrobi, Head of Student Executive Board (BEM) Faculty of Dental Medicine UNAIR for period 2019/2020. (Illustration: Feri Fenoria Rifai)

UNAIR NEWS – Being a leader means that you must be prepared to carry out the mandate and responsibilities. Leader is the captain of organization. As the highest policy holder, a leader are required to determine the direction and goals for the organization.

In addition, that was RM Luqman Adi Wiratama Nurrobi opinion, a student who now serves Head of Student Executive Board (BEM) Faculty of Dentistry (FKG)  Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) for 2019/2020 period.

He said the best people are those who bring happiness to the people around them and being a leader is one step to achieving this goal.

“Moreover, problems that existed in FKG UNAIR was also excuse for me to be courage and become Head of BEM FKG UNAIR,” explained the man who was familiarly called Luqman.

“Because by being a leader in this organization, it gave me a way to resolve the problem more efficiently,” he added.

With Aulia Nur Layli as Vice of BEM FKG, Luqman is ready to bring BEM FKG UNAIR to realize the new vision and mission. The vision made BEM FKG bring the synergy for organization in order to achieve comprehensive benefits, especially in the field of scholarship, talent development, leadership, and community service.

“In accordance with the name of our cabinet, Kabinet Manfaat should give benefit to the organization, especially for FKG.” he said.

Meanwhile, the mission carried out by FKG BEM period 2019/2020 includes establishing synergic relation with various elements that lead to usefulness, developing the potential of KM FKG UNAIR which leads to achievement and contribution, building a strong relation of BEM and FKG UNAIR KM, be the pioneer of KM FKG UNAIR movement in serving the community, and forming students leadership character with integrity and insight.

For Luqman, leadership is not just a pride. Because behind it, there are responsibilities for that.

“Leadership also gives us opportunities to spread a good impact.” added the Surabaya-born student.

During his four months as Head of BEM FKG, he was proud of FKG UNAIR’s academic achievements in the past year.

“Thank God, in 2018 FKG UNAIR won 17 national achievements and 6 international achievements. God willing, this year can be even better, “he said.

He advised all students, especially in UNAIR, to use their time in class as well as possible because students are the prospective leaders who will determine Indonesia in the future.

“Sharpen your soft skills, starting from leadership, public speaking, and so on. Because you can get all of those things from experience and learning.” he said. (*)


Author: Zanna Afia Deswari

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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