KM PSDKU Continues to Improve Concept of LKMM-TD

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Discussion among participants of 2019 LKMM-TD program
Discussion among participants of 2019 LKMM-TD program (Photo: Bastian Ragas)

UNAIR NEWS – “College students are not like high school students,” said Ahmed Sultan Afif Shiddiq, one of PSDKU Universitas Airlangga in Banyuwangi students. He argued that college students are indeed different from students. According to him, college students do not only have the opportunity to study in lecture hall, but they are given facilities by university to develop themselves in facing professional world.

With campus funding support through Student Family (for PSDKU Banyuwangi, ed), students have the right and obligation to use the campus funds to hold an activity beneficial for students and university.

Campus life, indirectly, train students to face professional world later on. Therefore, to use this facilities, the quality student resources is needed, so the facilities can be used optimally and well. One of the programs at PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi which aims to improve the quality of students is Student Management Skills – Elementary Level (LKMM-TD).

As the Head of KM 2019 Student Resource Development Department (PSDM), Ahmed explained that the focus in LKMM-TD is in terms of management activities.

“The output we expect from the participants, they will be able to hold activities in their respective organizations,” explained by Aquaculture student.

Applying the delegation system to recruit participants, LKMM-TD which was held for 3 days from Friday, March 15 to Sunday, March 17 was carried out in Minak Jinggo Hall of Banyuwangi Regency Government.

“We gave 5 seat quota for KM and Hima, 3 seats for BSO, and 2 for interest and talent community (komikat). But, we also provide 9 seats for non-organization students but they were required to write an essay about self-management first, “he added.

Unlike the previous year, Ahmed guaranteed that 2019 LKMM-TD is more measurable and have clearer objectives for its output, through basic level discussion on finance, secretariat, SWOT analysis, and other basic things that must be understood before deciding or making activities. In addition, he also said that LOs for the 2019 LKMM-TD had been selected. They must have attended LKMM-TM and LKMM-TL to be an LO.

As the person in charge of 2019 LKMM-TD program, Ahmed hoped that all participants will be able to apply and develop their knowledge they obtained to their respective student organizations, so all activities carried out can be more useful. In addition, he also hoped that LKMM-TD participants will have the enthusiasm to continue to intermediate and advanced levels.

Author: Bastian Ragas

Editor: Nuri Hermawan


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